lostgallifreyan wrote:
"Jon A. Lambert" <jlamb...@oh.rr.com> wrote:
(09/04/2009 09:57)

I never use the desktop as a file storage area

Ok, I'll bite.  Storage? If that counts the temporay storage of moderately 
sized files in a working session or two then yes, I use it for storage. I kind 
of thought that's what desktops were for. :)

Guys, this thread isn't really productive anymore. Granted, a lot of us do specific things that works perfectly well for ourselves. For example, I compile a custom-patched text editor that I use, which to others may well be rightfully construed as a stupid waste of effort. So there isn't going to be a resolution to this discussion since each of us will stand firm -- it's going round and round and round, so why not let us instead stick to the proper topic of this list, which is the development of tcc.

At the end of the day, AFAIK the decision to pick patches for the main trunk still lies with grischka. So why don't lostgallifreyan push a suitable patch to the mob branch, or post it on this list. It may go in, or it may not go in, but at least those who need such a patch can presumably find it while searching. It must also be said that many projects with responsible developers often say no as much as they say yes, so let us now get a handle on this matter like mature-minded developers.

Kein-Hong Man (esq.)
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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