round and several other floating point functions from math.h were not working 
on windows for some years, and around November 2015 I fixed most of those 
issues. However, I wasn't aware that some tests were disabled on windows due to 
the missing functions. Good catch (I'd leave it to you to re-enable them).

    On Sunday, October 9, 2016 5:20 PM, Christian Jullien <> 

 <!--#yiv8398691907 _filtered #yiv8398691907 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 
5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv8398691907 #yiv8398691907 p.yiv8398691907MsoNormal, 
#yiv8398691907 li.yiv8398691907MsoNormal, #yiv8398691907 
"sans-serif";}#yiv8398691907 a:link, #yiv8398691907 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv8398691907 a:visited, #yiv8398691907 
span.yiv8398691907EmailStyle17 {font-family:"Calibri", 
"sans-serif";color:windowtext;}#yiv8398691907 .yiv8398691907MsoChpDefault 
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72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt;}#yiv8398691907 div.yiv8398691907WordSection1 {}-->Hi 
again,  I see from test/test2/Makefile that 24_math_library is removed for 
Windows because of lack of round().  ifdef CONFIG_WIN32 SKIP += 
24_math_library.test # don't have round()  With mob compiled with a recent 
MinGW gcc compiler.This test is fully working. Can you reconsider to add it as 
part of standard tests suite.  I also note that 28_strings is removed because 
Windows lacks index/rindex (which is true).Now, if you remove <strings.h> which 
was a BSDish include now removed from POSIX and replace   printf("%s\n", 
index(a, 'o'));   printf("%s\n", rindex(a, 'l'));   printf("%d\n", rindex(a, 
'x') == NULL);  By iso C equivalent functions:     printf("%s\n", strchr(a, 
'o'));   printf("%s\n", strrchr(a, 'l'));   printf("%d\n", strrchr(a, 'x') == 
NULL);  It works on Windows and should work on any system.
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