Ben, please reply to the mailing list next time. Thanks. 

  Show original message     On Wednesday, January 18, 2017 12:08 AM, Ben 
Hutchinson <> wrote:

 > I want a version of TCC that will run on both 32bit and 64bit Windows. In 
 > order to make tcc.exe run on both 32bit and 64bit Windows, I will need to 
 > compile TCC as a 32bit EXE file rather than a 64bit EXE file. Problem is, 
 > MSYS2 is only available now as a 64bit compiler. I can't compile 32bit EXE 
 > files with it, and that's a show stopper for me.

MSYS2 is available as both 64 and 32 installs, and both can compile either 32 
or 64 bit applications. The instructions I linked to in my first reply will get 
you a 32 bit application (tcc).

> Also as far as I know, the latest version of TCC (both source and binaries)  
> is 0.26. I would think that if TCC can compile TCC, then each version of TCC 
> should be able to compile whatever its own version is. So TCC 0.26 should be 
> able to compile TCC 0.26. Or is there some later version of TCC now that 
> exists only as source code?
tcc 0.9.26 is few years old and a lot of progress was made since, but no 
official release was made since then - and it's only available as source code. 
There are some talks of 0.9.27 getting released soon (TM). You can find the git 
repository from this page: and the current 
zipped snapshot is

> Personally I'm just trying to compile version TCC 0.26 with TCC 0.26.
tcc 0.9.26 can probably compile itself with the instructions I linked to 
earlier (after you git checkout the 0.9.26 tag), but you probably want to build 
the latest source instead which has many fixes and improvements over 0.9.26.

> And by the way, there's also a problem with that source code release (at 
> least in the version 0.26 official source code release from the official TCC 
> website, not sure if there are any corrected versions floating around the 
> web). It appears to be missing a particular file. That file is config.h. If 
> you look in the Makefile, you'll see the line that says "CPPFLAGS = -I$(TOP) 
> # for config.h" but if you look at the available h files in the TCC source 
> code folder, there is no file called "config.h". So that right there is going 
> to prevent compiling. I'm tempted to just remove that line from the Makefile, 
> but don't even know what things are supposed to be defined in config.h. They 
> may be very critical to the correct compilation of TCC, and without config.h 
> it may be 100% impossible to compile TCC.
> Some help here would be greatly appreciated.

config.h is created when you run the configure script, and includes 
configuration which is specific to your system (e.g. whether it's a windows tcc 
or linux, and more). Again, the instructions I linked to would result in 
exactly what you want - latest tcc 32 for windows.

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