[I sent this earlier but it doesn't seem to have been accepted to the list,
but it was before I was properly signed up]

I've found only small bits and pieces of information about how to do this
strewn across the internet.  Hopefully this message will have enough
keywords in it that others will find it... and hopefully someone on the
list will be able to help.

I've tried pulling some files from the current development github, to no

After downloading TinyCC 0.9.26, and compiling, I randomly get the
following error:

    c:/tcc/include/math.h:217: error: unknown constraint 't'
    __asm__ ("fabs;" : "=t" (res) : "0" (x));

Whenever I try to use fabsf(...)

That aside, if I only make my program #include <math.h>

I will run into a slew of :

tcc: error: undefined symbol 'strtof'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'sqrtf'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'acosf'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'cosf'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'sinf'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'atan2f'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'asinf'
tcc: error: undefined symbol 'fabsf'

I can't seem to find any objects distributed with tcc that provide this
functionality.  What are we to do for the Windows port of tcc?  No
libm.dll, libm.a, libm.c, nothing?

What is the recommended compile line for something that uses these features?
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