Dear tcc Development Team;

I have downloaded the latest version of the Tiny C Compiler but
when I try to run a program compiled by it, I get an error message
about the exec format being invalid. I suppose that the ELF header
is not compatible with the current operating system in use. Is there
another version of tcc that I can download and use?


Thema Guishard

On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 5:36 PM Thema <> wrote:

> Hello TCC Workers;
> I noticed that the tcc compiler does not separate the
> compiler program and the linker program.  I am in the
> process of developing an ELF64 linker for the Linux
> 64-bit Operating System called 'tgld'.I was wondering
> if you can include a weblink to the linker after testing.
> Sincerely,
> Thema Guishard

Thema Guishard
Tinycc-devel mailing list

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