someone else (phil?) already sent some better ideas about task
(non-)pre-emption problems. My suggestion was about the code
that you believe is blocking the receive....

In any case, assuming things are mostly the same as the micas',
byte-by-byte reception should be occurring in an interrupt routine,
and the last of those receptions should (maybe, I hope) call your
Message.receive() method -- still in the interrupt context.

So, if interrupts are shut off for some reason -- e.g. atomic{} --
then you'll never get a receive().

On the other hand if the Meassage.receive() is called from a task
that has been posted by the lowlevel radio code, you could be blocking
it by hogging things with another task that doesn't finish. I don't think
this is the case because I wouldn't expect Message.receive() to be
labeled an usual I'm probably wrong...

good luck....

Andrea Pacini wrote:
NO, I didn't use any atomic statement. Just a normal receive:

event TOS_MsgPtr ReceiveMessage.receive(TOS_MsgPtr m) {

but this event is not triggered when other mote sends a message.

Michael Schippling wrote:

you didn't put the for loop in an atomic{} block did you?
That would shut off interrupts...

Andrea Pacini wrote:

I am using Tmote Sky motes and I noticed that , when a node is doing something (e.g. when it is doing a for cycle) it can't receive message, that is Receive.receive() event is not triggered. Instead , if the node is doing nothing , the receive event is fired and all woks. Note that the sender sends only one message . How is possible ? Doesn't exist a queue of WAITING EVENTS ?


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