Hi all,

I guess this question is pretty simple, but I can't seem to figure out
how to do this:

I have done this little application to control a mote's DAC from a
laptop through the USB cable. Now I would like to take it an step
further and be able to control several motes.

I have been looking around for information on this topic and I guess I
should have TOSBase installed on a mote, which should be connected to
the computer, and send the messages from the computer to this TOSBase
mote, which would then forward the messages to the specific mote and
take their answers and forward them back to the computer.

The problem is that I don't know very well how to do this. I do program
my motes with install.X and give them different id's, and I guess I
should modify the java program on the laptop so that a moteid should
also be specified.

What I don't know is if I should modify TOSBase in any way so it can
analyse the message structures I am using, in which I would add a
destination field, so that it knows where to forward the message, or if
I can do this without changing TOSBase, modifying the java application
to tell TOSBase where to forward the message...

Any information which could help me with this is greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

- Jose.

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