First, as far as I know, the Snooze component is deprecated. There are many improvements in the newer TInyOS versions that make things much more simple. For example, the CountSleepRadio app (previously in "contrib/ucb", now in the "apps" dir IIRC) is good for just testing that power saving works. It just sends an incremented integer over the air and goes to sleep. When a timer expires, the mote wakes up and sends the next one. There's another example, "apps/examples/TestSleep" which toggles a led between sleeping periods.

Second, in the current tree, power saving is transparent to the user. When there are no interrupts (nor tasks, IIRC) pending, and only Timer 0 running, power saving kicks in. You can test it with the latest measuring apps, just study the "make/avr/route.extra" to see which commad line switches you must use to enable power saving. The "PowerManagement.AdjustPower()" call is deeper down the radio stack and is automatic once you compile the app correctly.



At 01:18 PM 4/26/2006 -0600, Michael Schippling wrote:
Sorry, I'm at a loss. I thought that one of the features of the motes
was the ability to sleep between samples to save power, but I never
paid attention to how/where/why this might work. I actually have it
on my list of things to do for a project that I never work on anymore...

Assuming as usual that no one who actually knows how to do this will
answer your question...Perhaps there is something in the atmega spec
book about it?


Gregory A. Moore wrote:
Thank you for your response, but:
SnoozeC only works for Mica motes, not Mica2. They have a slightly different processor so I am sure there are some dependency issues that don't quite fit. I have also looked at the OnOffApp which is supposed to essentially be the Snooze for the mica2, but it relies on a radio packet to start the mote again.
If you have any other suggestions I am greatly appreciative.

There is a module tos\platform\mica\ that purports to
do the shutdown and timer wakeup. And a TestSnooze demo app.
I haven't tried them, YMMV...

Gregory A. Moore wrote:
Hi All,

I have perused the archives about this pesky timed mica2 sleep
problem and have not found
any code snippets or anything of huge benifit.

So I repeat the question:
I am working with Mica2.
I would like to put the mote's CPU to sleep for a set period of time and then have it
awoken by some timer, not an incomming radio packet.

I have done the power measurements with the use of
HPPowerManagementM and I have not
gotten any successful current readings that show me that the module is doing anything in
the way of sleeping.

The code from Berkely's study for P-TOSSIM shows us how to set the
mote's CPU to sleep,
but it does not show us how to wake it up with a timer.

I write nesC well, but I am not an experienced embedded programmer
so I am not quite sure
how to program the awake tasks from the schematics.

I hope there is someone out there who can help me with my woes.

The code snippet I am using to put the mote to sleep is at the end
of this email.

Thank you in advance,


Successful code. thanks to Berkely folks, to put the mote to sleep:

task void gotoSleep() {
 //fires the interupt pin to signal data recording
 //This is PIN5 on the connector, use probe to read signal

 // set the PA_POW to 00h to ensure lowest possible leakage current
 call CC1000Control.SetRFPower(0x00);

 // power down the radio
 call CC1000StdControl.stop();
 //call CC1000RadioIntM.StdControl.stop();
 //call HPLPowerManagement.adjustPower()

 ///Code taken from,  this is current code used to
 //put the Mica2 into different low power states
 // save port state
 port[0] = inp(PORTA); nops(8);
 port[1] = inp(PORTB); nops(8);
 port[2] = inp(PORTC); nops(8);
 port[3] = inp(PORTD); nops(8);
 port[4] = inp(PORTE); nops(8);
 port[5] = inp(DDRA);  nops(8);
 port[6] = inp(DDRB);  nops(8);
 port[7] = inp(DDRD);  nops(8);
 port[8] = inp(DDRE);  nops(8);
 port[9] = inp(TCCR0); nops(8);
 // Disable TC0 interrupt and set timer/counter0
 //to be asynchronous from the CPU
 // clock with a second external clock (32,768kHz) driving it.
 //Prescale to 32 Hz.
 cbi(TIMSK, OCIE0);  nops(8);

 // set minimum power state
 // NOTE: this enables pull-ups;
 //       -may be sensor board dependant
 //       - (ex: Port C should be lo during sleep, not hi?)

 outp(0x00, DDRA);        // input
 outp(0x01, DDRB);        // input

 // changed 00 to ff because the impedance was high in the sleep
 // state, drawing 8mA for 5 sec before sleeping. Now it immediately
 // snoozes.
 outp(0xff, DDRC);        // input
 outp(0x00, DDRD);        // input
 outp(0x00, DDRE);        // input

 outp(0xff, PORTA);        // enable pull-ups
 outp(0xfe, PORTB);  // enable pull-ups except for PB0

 // changed the value of PORTC from ff to 0 because ff
 // sounds the alarm when the mote goes to sleep.
 outp(0x00, PORTC);        // enable pull-ups
 outp(0xff, PORTD);        // enable pull-ups

 cbi(ADCSRA, ADEN);     //  disable adc
 sbi(ACSR,ACD);         //  disable analog comparator

 //goes into sleep modes
 if (sm2 == 1){
       sbi(MCUCR, SM2); nops(8);
 if (sm1 == 1){
       sbi(MCUCR, SM1); nops(8);
 if (sm0 == 1){
       sbi(MCUCR, SM0); nops(8);

 //enable sleep, clocks stop
 sbi(MCUCR, SE);  nops(8);

 //enable interupts (after wakingup - if you do)
 sei(); nops(8);
 //fires the red LED, and the pin
 call Leds.redOn();

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