On Jun 26, 2006, at 2:50 PM, Cory Sharp wrote:

On 6/26/06, Philip Levis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
One note, depending on what software you have: Mate' has not been tested
on Boomerang. I don't know if it even compiles. The most recent RPM
(2.2.2) has been for TinyOS >= 1.1.9. Once TinyOS 2.0 is fully released,
David Gay and I have talked about porting Mate' over, but we want to
wait for the release first. :)

Another note, with Boomerang installed, TinyOS 1.x applications can be
compiled against strictly the TinyOS 1.x tree (no Moteiv libraries
etc) with "make telosb".  And, for those that may not know, the
"telosb" hardware platform is fully compatible with "tmote".

Sounds using it should be no problem, then. It may also work with Boomerang itself. I've found that platform changes often require one or two tweaks in Maté, to take care of an incorrectly made assumption. The one tricky thing might be the sensors.

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