Hi Rahul,

You should be right, but we can not get the right path. We have only two dot.exe, one of them in tinyos\ATT\Graphviz\bin, and the other one in Eclipse (with an equivalent path). We have changed the path in control panel, but we get the same error. We think Eclipse has a path where it looks for it, and we do not know where we have to change this path.

We will try in other forum about Eclipse.

Thanks a lot anyway.


From: "Rahul Sawant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Andres Aberasturi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] generate docs
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2006 10:24:22 -0500

what i meant was there should be 2 dot.exe files on ur comp. one installed
by tinyos in
\tos\ATT\Graphviz\bin folder and other some where else installed by some
other software.

try searching ur comp for dot.exe to see if u indeed have 2 dot.exe files.

if u do have 2 dot.exe files
when tinyos tries to use dot.exe the system actually gives it a link to the
other dot.exe which was installed by some other program this is because of
the path variable in control panel. and if u change the path variable as i
said in my last mail it should work.

u can also try the following

rename ur other dot.exe to say dot_old.exe for the time being. (ur other
software might have problem if u r running at the same time but if it not
running then no problem.)

now try to make docs in tinyos.

if this works u know what the problem is.

now once ur done making docs rename the file back to dot.exe.(so ur other
software doesnot have any problems in future.)


On 6/29/06, Andres Aberasturi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks Rahul, but we do not understand it. We do not have matlab or
which perhaps uses dot.exe (we suposed).

Actually, we have installed TinyOS Plugin for Eclipse. And this plugin has
installed TinyOs 1.1.15, and it works, but when we write make micaz docs,
do not get the images of the documentation. In the error we read:

Upgrade to graphviz >= 1.8.8 to enable clickable wiring diagrams.

So, we though we have to upgrade Graphviz in order to get these diagrams.
seems an error about the Graphviz version which is installed with TinyOs
1.1.15. Then, we found Graphviz web site, but there are 2 version of
Graphviz, one of them for Windows and the other one for Linux. We are
working in Windows XP, but Cygwin is like Linux, is not it? So, what we
to install? Or is it wrong? Perhaps we are not right.

Could anybody help us?

Thanks in advance,


>From: "Rahul Sawant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Andres Aberasturi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
>Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] generate docs
>Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 19:12:45 -0500
>i think this is because ur comp already has a file dot.exe and the
>of that is old. u can search where it is on ur comp . in my comp it was
>\Matlab7\bin\win32 folder as matlab also uses it. i guess if u rename
>file in matlab folder everthing will work fine. or i guess change the
>path variable from the control panel, in this make sure ur matlab path is
>the last one ie it should be after this one \tinyos\ATT\Graphviz\bin;
>i hope this will help you
>On 6/28/06, Andres Aberasturi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>We have update TinyOs to TinyOS 1.1.15. It works fine but it does not
>>generate the images of the documentation. We get the following error:
>>nesc1: warning: DOC WARNING: your version of `dot' does not support
>>             image maps.  Upgrade to graphviz >= 1.8.8 to enable
>>             clickable wiring diagrams.
>>So, we think we need to update graphviz, do not we? We found graphviz
>>have some doubts about it:
>>What is the right graphviz version to work in TinyOS 1.1.15? We are
>>with Windows XP, do we need Windows version or Linux version (in order
>>work with Cygwin)?
>>Thank you in advance,
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