On Sep 25, 2006, at 7:44 PM, Michael Schippling wrote:

I'm not entirely certain that ACKs work in TOSSIM, like rssi....

ACKs work in TOSSIM. The default (TR1000) radio stack actually emulates the ACK bit pattern, etc. I do not know about the CC1000 stack from Harvard or the CC2420 stack in beta/. In particular, I don't know what the ACK loss model is.

TOSSIM 2.0 supports ACKs. Its big limitation right now is that since it's based on an RSSI model, in the absence of environmental variation its connectivity is very stable, much more stable than the real world. I'm looking into ways to improve this. I doubt it will make it into the 2.0 release, but it should be shortly thereafter.

But in any case the TOS_Msg.ack field is output, not input.
It indicates whether and ACK was received, it doesn't enable them.
To use ACKS you need to call MacControl.enableAck() on the receiving
(or better, both) side, and make sure to send messages to specific
moteID addrs.

Correct. By default, ACKs are on in TOSSIM. It does not have MacControl (you can't turn them on and off).

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