well....not exactly...but close...

mica2 uses the tos/types/AM.h file for both radio and UART,
the others (micaz at least) use a platform local AM.h for radio,
but (usually) TOSBase translates the struct to the types/AM.h
format for UART transmission. Could that be any more confusing?
So if not using mica2 I beleive you need to change the length
in both platform and types files.

As to why it doesn't work...sorry, I never tried it myself.

Andres Aberasturi wrote:

The AM.h you have to change is in the directory tinyos\cygwin\opt\tinyos-1.x\tos\XXX\, where XXX is the platform you are using (micaz, mica2, telos, ...).


From: "primalfear 69" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: tinyos-help <tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU>
Subject: [Tinyos-help] DATA_LENGTH is eating my brain....................
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 11:46:32 +0530

Hello everybody....

by default TOSH_DATA_LENGTH is 29.......... i want to increase by some more
say 50. am not able to get where i have to change........
i have made the following changes.........
*            FILE NAME*                          *PATH*
1) AM.h tinyos\cygwin\opt\tinyos-

after changing the length to say 50....... and installed in all the motes
and found nothing is coming..:(
am not able to get any packet............ :((

what could be the reason... ?

is there any other place where i have to change something else too..

Is myAM.h has something to do with these......??
myAM.h  could be found in           tinyos\cygwin\opt\tinyos-

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