How do you fix the problem? I meet the same problem as you.

On 10/17/06, Daniele Munaretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Michael,
I've found the problem right in usr/local folder.
It's strange but the sub-folders avr, lib, include, info, share and bin
in tinyos-1.x (from a pc which runs only tinyos-1.x) are different than
the tinyos-2.x's ones (for example avr folder is empty here).
So to switch correctly from one to other version, i need not only to
change PATHS, but also these sub-folders..quite annoying but it works fine!

If you have any ideas about this, it will be really appreciated
However many thanks Michael!

Michael Schippling wrote:
> The functions in question are defined in the AVR header files, not TOS.
> You may have messed up the access to /usr/local/avr somehow. Or does
> T2 use a different AVR version?
> MS

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