On Dec 12, 2006, at 2:53 AM, Miguel Pereira wrote:

Hi David,

Thanks for your help and report.
In my opinion to improve the reliability you should concentrate on resend messages. The major problem, i think, is because you are not resending the messages with CCA. I think you should use resend with CCA by default and only use resend without CCA if the message was not ack but the CCA check was passed true. If you put the resend with CCA, even better if with "advanced CCA", I think you will notice large improvements on Average Packets Dropped but a significant reduce too on Average Packets Received. Maybe that will be the price for increasing reliability.

I believe pretty strongly that the MAC layer should not specify a retransmission policy for reliability. That should be up to the network layer. E.g., if you look at CTP (the T2 collection protocol), it might choose a new destination after as little as 1 unacknowledged packet. Not considering collisions, we've collected pretty good data suggesting that instantaneous link quality is for the most part bimodal[1]: losses can be highly correlated.


[1] http://sing.stanford.edu/pubs/ip-hotnetsV.pdf

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