the w/DMA spi bus versions did not crash

David Moss wrote:
Hi Roman,

Thanks for taking the time to test that out.  By "until now" do you mean the
w/DMA spi bus versions *did* crash, or did not?


-----Original Message-----
From: Roman Lim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:44 AM
To: David Moss
Cc: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] tinyos2 cc2420lpl locked-up node

I ran the same scenario with DMA for about 7 hours and the
problem did not occur until now. maybe the noDmaSpi implementation in tos2 is buggy..


David Moss wrote:
Interesting.  I've been using DMA for all of my projects instead of the
NoDma components to increase radio throughput.  If you override your local
Msp430Spi0C and Msp430Spi1C components with those found in
tinyos-2.x-contrib\rincon\tos\chips\msp430\dma does the problem still
I'll test out tmotes with no DMA to see if I can replicate your errors.
Thanks for finding and debugging this issue as much as you have.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Roman
Sent: Monday, March 12, 2007 10:41 AM
To: tinyos-help@Millennium.Berkeley.EDU
Subject: [Tinyos-help] tinyos2 cc2420lpl locked-up node


I used the cc2420lpl stack (the one in tinyos-2.x-contrib/rincon) together with the multihop-oscilloscope. My nodes (Tmote sky) run fine for a cupple of minutes, then some nodes stop working.
Here are some parameters of my network () :
5 nodes, limited tx-power to 2
8s sampling period (i send one packet for each sample)
250ms RxSleepInterval

I found, that the failing nodes keep running in a loop in in SpiByte.write().
the line
while (! call Usart.isRxIntrPending() );
is never left.

the state variables in various radio-stack components makes me assume, that the radio is not active while the lock-up occurs:
csma: state=stopped
controlp: state=vreg_stopped
transmitp: state=stopped
spiImplP resource_busy=false
spiImplP requests=0
spiImplP holder=0xff

does anybody knows, where to dig?

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