On Mar 13, 2007, at 3:21 PM, Murtuza wrote:

Hello Friends,

I have some simple questions to ask. I am working on mica2 motes on tinyos-2.x platform. my questions are

1. I want to measure the battery voltage on a mica2 mote. If I am not wrong in order to do so I must set the BAT_MON pin on the mote ( According to the manual provided by Crossbow ) and then measure the ADC channel 7. Now I want to know how can I do this. I checked the mail archives and I found that BAT_MON is set by calling TOSH_SET_BAT_MON_PIN . But I was unable to find this macro in tinyos-2.x. Can anyone tell me in which file it is found.

I think there's a TEP 109-compliant component that does this for you: VoltageC. Take a look in platforms/mica2.

2. And how can I measure channel 7 of ADC. If I call the something like ADC.dataready as in tinyos-1.x ( actually I am new to T2 and I dont know the real thing ) will it return the value at channel 7.

3. How can I measure the Received and Transmitted Radio Signal Strengths . As far as I believe the strength field in cc1000_metadata structure gives the RSSI isnt it ? What about the Transmitted Power.

Do you mean the power level you transmitted it at? Take a look at CC1000Control. Note that the power level is not put into the packet, so only the transmitter can ask the radio what power level it's at. If you want to put it in a packet, you need to do so with your own packet format.

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