Hi all...

I have a problem with a program I wrote for a Telos mote.I am sending the
data using Multihop routing technique.I have loaded the application into 2
modules, one with ' 0' address and another with ' 1' address..!!

The mote connected to the USB( ' 0' address) is sending the data
continuously...the other mote (1-address) is sending the data only for a
short duration..!!!
suppose if i have connected the mote(1-address) to the USB port,it is
signalling that it is sending the data continuously..if i
hav checked with the batteries, its sending only for a short interval of

one more observation i have done..when running LISTEN tool..
i am sending "parent ID" in the data packet..the node with address-1 is
showing the value as "FF" (for the first 15 packets roughly)-during this
time the code on this node is working fine..!!
once the node is showing the parent ID as-' 0'--it is sending some duplicate
packets..and after some time..it is completely stop sending the data..!!!

Any idea would be really appreciated...!!!!
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