Is someone handing out "HelloWhirled" class assignments?
Search back on this list for a couple previous threads.

You've got all the right pieces in mostly the right order.
Mostly what you need to do is modify OscopeMsg.h to take
a string instead of ints, and then look at where the data[]
portion of the TOS_Msg is set in the program.

The best approach is to read through the doc/tutorial and
try a few of the exercises to get the TOS program paradigm.


Chan kenniel wrote:
Dear all,

Could any one here help me out with telling me how to write a helloworld nesC program, then put it into TOS_Msg of the oscopeMsg program? Actually what I wanna implement is send the string data "helloworld" from a mote to PC, then in PC side use MIG to unpack the packet, and show the result "helloworld". I know I can use SerialForwarder with OscopeMsg to display data on PC, but I don't know how to put the source data like "helloworld" into a packet to send, I have read the file, but don't know how they put data into TOS_Msg variable, So could anyone help me with how to put source data into TOS_MSg please?

Or if you I was wrong and you have any suggestion, all are extremely appreciate. Thanks very much.

Best wishes,
Kenneth Chan

Wish you have a good day!


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