Search back on this list for "TOSH_ASSIGN_PIN schip"
( is a good start)
and you will find many of my deathless posts on the use of DIO with TOS1.x
Specifically these two:

I don't know what you mean by 'not sampling', but there is no
automagic way to connect inputs to radio. For the most part you
want to set up some kind of timer driven code to read the port,
make a message, and post it to the radio send(). The OscilloscopeRF
demo app is a good model for this.


Dipti wrote:
Hi all,
I am trying to implement an application in which a mica2 mote receives digital data on pins PW0-PW3 and forwards the same on the RF link.
I have a few doubts regarding the application.
1> Is it possible to configure pin nos PW0-PW3 as input pins and the pins PW4-PW7 as the output pins. (I have already set the same in the hardware.h file located under \platform\mica2) but will this enable me to use a set of
    PW pins as input and another set as output in the same application.
2> I dont want to sample the incoming digital data but want to forward the same continuously on the RF. Is it possible to do the same? 3> The data coming on PW0-PW3 pins has to be sent to RF. How do i read PW0-PW3 pins continuosly. Kindly help,


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