Running nescc --version gave me:

[Greg:tinyos-1.x/apps/blink] greg% nescc --version
nescc: 1.2.4
gcc: gcc (GCC) 3.3 20030304 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 1640)
Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

I tried navigating to /usr/lib/ncc, and thereĀ¹s no ncc directory.  I wonder
if that has anything to do with it?

Greg Turnipseed

From: Sarfraz Nawaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 27 Apr 2007 10:35:26 +1000
To: Greg Turnipseed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Compiling on MacOSX 10.4 for MICA


Sorry I can't open up your output file (missing OpenOffice!). Can you please
send the output as a text file. Add PFLAGS += -v to the Makefile under Blink
directory compile and send out the output. From Michael's comments it seems
that your build environment tries to include nesc_nx.h but cannot find it.
Which version of nesc have you installed. I suspect there is something wrong
with your nesc installation.

I am running nesc-1.2.8a with tinyos-1.1.15cvsdec on linux. With my setup
the nesc_nx.h is located in /usr/lib/ncc/ directory. This nesc_nx.h is also
included in the app.c generated by nesc under build/mica2/ directory.


On 4/27/07, Michael Schippling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well that blows one of my pet theories...
> The thing you want is your second page with
>       PFLAGS += -v
> in the Blink/Makefile.
> You'll note that it is a bit longer, shows some sub-commands,
> and lists all the files it is trying to access. My theory was
> that -mmcu=atmega128 was not getting set or something like that,
> but there is is plain as day...heck. I also note that whatever
> you are doing is making output like sarfraz and not me, because
> you have "-_fnesc-include=nesc_nx" but I don't see a message about
> preprocessing it. Or one about your nescc version number.
> As a last ditch, just in case I'm sort of right about the atmega128
> thing, you could try adding this to the PFLAGS:
>              PFLAGS += -v -D__AVR_ATmega128__
> Which (I hope) will force the definition of the theoretically
> missing define needed by avr/io.h. Note that there are 2 underscores
> on each end of the text.
> But most likely you have some mis-match of compile tools.
> Perhaps finding and re-installing the latest working set
> is the next step.
> And...XLS? errg... You should be able to redirect the output of
> your make into a file like this:
>         make mica2 > output.txt
> And send it as a raw text file.
> MS
> Greg Turnipseed wrote:
>> > All right, I assume the makefile I was supposed to add the line to was the
>> makefile inside the Blink directory, so that's where I made the modification.
>> It doesn't seem to have changed anything, but I'll attach what I've got
>> anyway.  The first sheet is without any modification (i.e., without the added
>> line).  The second sheet is with exactly what was written (PFLAGS += -v), and
>> the third sheet is with "set PFLAGS += -v", just in case my using tcsh
>> affects that in any way.
>> >
>> > Let me know what y'all see in the output.
>> >
>> > Thanks,
>> > Greg Turnipseed
>> >
>> >
>> > From: Sarfraz Nawaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]  <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
>> > Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 16:29:33 +1000
>> > To: Greg Turnipseed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > Cc: TINYOS HELP <
>> <> >, Michael Schippling
>> > Subject: Re: [Tinyos-help] Compiling on MacOSX 10.4 for MICA
>> >
>> > Greg,
>> >
>> > Can you add
>> >
>> > PFLAGS += -v
>> >
>> > to the Makefile and then send the output. I am attaching my ouput. In my
>> compile the first thing that is pulled in is /usr/lib/ncc/nesc_nx.h
>> > followed by /opt/tinyos-1.x/tos/system/tos.h and then the compiler goes on
>> happily compiling Blink.

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