On Jul 11, 2007, at 10:48 AM, Chonggang Wang wrote:


I am trying to test the pure throughput of 802.15.4 and conduct an experiment as follows:

                           \/                     \/
                            |                      |
----------- ------- -------- -----------
  |   PC1    |      |Mote1|            |Mote2|           |    PC2  |
| |-----| | | |---------| | ---------- ------- -------- ----------

Both motes are placed close (guarantee good channel condition) and configured as Base Station by being installed TOSBase application. There is a sender program at PC1 and a receiver program at PC2. Both PC1 and PC2 start SerailForwarder (SF) (I changed the original SF in order to support UDP and avoid the effect of TCP Congestion Control and ACK). The baud rate for both motes is 115200.

Then the sender program at PC1 continuously send a file (large enough) to SF at PC1 through UDP socket. The receiver program at PC2 listens to the SF's UDP port at PC2 and calculate the received data rate. I repeated this experiment for lots of times and found the received data rate at PC2 is only about 35 Kbps. Since tmote sky uses chipcon 2420 with 250 Kbps data rate, 35 Kbps is surprisingly pretty slow since in this case there should not be any collision. I am not sure if those two motes automatically go to sleep state. Also i did not find any bad packet due to CRC failure in SerialForwarder.

Could any one give me a clue?

MAC backoff.

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