My suggestion is for TinyOS community to start a WIKI where people can contribute their experiences. It will be hard for a person to summarize all information for different hardware platforms.

Personally, I would like to help as well.

Another thing is that the Mailing list is getting a bit mess, a good wiki pages will clear out a lot of obvious problem posts to this mailing list.



Urs Hunkeler (TinyOS) wrote:
Hi Bernardo,

Looks promising. Would it be possible to make this a wiki?

It would be interesting to have a section with all the different sensors
available on the different mote platforms (for instance first sorted by
mote families, then by sensor boards). This section could state the
TinyOS modules required for reading a given sensor as well as how to
convert the readings to common data formats.


Bernardo Avila Pires schrieb:
   I have recently written a tutorial, putting together some of the
experience I gathered while trying to set up a WSN. I tried not to
repeat what can be easily found.
   I would much appreciate all help and feedback, so as to improve the
material to a level I consider satisfactory.
   Here it is:
   Some datasheets can be found in:
   Please alert me if you find something whose distribution is
restricted (I downloaded it from the official websites).
   For those of you who understand Portuguese, please read also
   I will eventually translate this last one to English.

   I thank you all in advance for your help.

Platform: MacOS X (Tiger)
TinyOS version: 2.x
Programmer(s): MIB600
Device(s): Mica2, MicaZ
Sensor board(s): MTS300, MTS310

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