
The TinyOS gentoo-wiki is a valuable resource for installing TinyOS on
gentoo. However I think its scope is limited to gentoo. So the question
would be, where would we start a general-purpose TinyOS wiki? How about
a wikibook http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page ?


Ákos Maróy schrieb:
> Peizhao Hu wrote:
>> My suggestion is for TinyOS community to start a WIKI where people can
>> contribute their experiences. It will be hard for a person to summarize
>> all information for different hardware platforms.
> yes, I find this a good approach myself. for example, I've already
> created a guide on how to get TinyOS 2 working on Gentoo Linux, on the
> Gentoo Wiki: http://gentoo-wiki.com/TinyOS
>> Personally, I would like to help as well.
>> Another thing is that the Mailing list is getting a bit mess, a good
>> wiki pages will clear out a lot of obvious problem posts to this mailing
>> list.
> very true..
> Akos

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