I think ADEN enables the ADC operation but I'd bet the current is
being used by the Vref...perhaps you can try switching the ref
to some other, disconnected, source?


Carlos Gil Soriano wrote:
I am working on monitoring consumption in micaZ motes. I have slept both the micro and the radio. So consumption must be above 20 uA (from the radio without WD nor battery monitor) plus 20 uA from ATMega. I have achieved a minimum consuption above 400uA on micaZ platform. Taking a look to the ATMega datasheet (page 355) it is suppossed that over 300 uA are from ADC. I have tried to power-down the ADC, but results imposible for me. The code that I have used is cbi(ADCSRA, ADEN); I guess that it should clear ADEN bit in ADCSRA register (as shown in page 232 of ATMega datasheet). Can anyone help me? I am on tinyOs1.15, but not matter if someone can point out a solution for T1 or T2. Thanks and merry X`mas!


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Platform: WinXP/Cygwin
TinyOS version: 1.x, Boomerang
Programmer: MIB510
Device(s): Mica2, MicaZ, Tmote
Sensor board: homebrew

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