what do you mean by
"I create channel contention with 5 motes that continuously broadcast
what is the mote's sending rate? it's weird you get such a big delay wirh 5

On Dec 21, 2007 12:09 PM, Hauke Holtkamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a test system (TinyOS 2.0/Micaz) which measures the random CCA
> backoff in the transmitter once per second with the RadioTimeStamping
> component.
> I create channel contention with 5 motes that continuously broadcast
> messages. I was able to see from my results that channel congestion
> increases the transmission delay for the radio messages (max from 9.9ms
> to 23ms).
> Now, I employed the RadioBackoff interface to disable CCA and set the
> backoff to zero for all outgoing messages (see code below). However,
> this has no effect as the mote still reacts to congestion and the
> backoff is still the same (measurement results unchanged).
> Do you know what mistake I could have made?
>        async event void RadioBackoff.requestInitialBackoff(message_t*
> msg){
>                call RadioBackoff.setInitialBackoff(0);
>        }
>        async event void RadioBackoff.requestCongestionBackoff(message_t*
> msg){
>                call RadioBackoff.setCongestionBackoff(0);
>        }
>        async event void RadioBackoff.requestCca(message_t* msg){
>                call RadioBackoff.setCca(FALSE);        //disable CCA
>        }
> Best for Christmas,
> Hauke
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