1.) stm25p is actually only 1MB. So, by changing the base of GOLDENIMAGE to 1048576, you are going out of bound. I think that "IndexError: list assignment index out of range" is to warn you about this.

2.) I believe that Telosb has 48K ROM, so your guess of 50504 bytes is out of bound. The reason that each partition in storage-stm25p.xml is defined as 65536 is that it is the smallest erase unit for stm25p.

Thank you


On Feb 15, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Andrew Parson O'Brien wrote:

Thanks Kevin,

It doesn't compile with the base station flag of course, but without it
MultihopOscilloscope reports:
43908 bytes in ROM
3973 bytes in RAM

Comparing against deluge Blink and regular Oscilloscope w/ and w/o basestation it seems that basestation mode adds around
6596 Bytes ROM
380 Bytes RAM

so MultihopOscilloscope w/ basestation must be something around
50504 Bytes ROM, 4353 Bytes RAM

If I'm interpreting the volumes-stm25p.xml file correctly it appears each slot is 65536 Bytes large so shouldn't it fit?

I tried monkeying around with the storage-stm25p.xml file

 <volume name="GOLDENIMAGE" size="65536" base="983040" />
 <volume name="DELUGE1" size="65536"/>
 <volume name="DELUGE2" size="65536"/>
 <volume name="DELUGE3" size="65536"/>

increasing base by one block = 1048576: IndexError: list assignment index out of range

decreasing the base or the size produces the original error


Quoting Kevin Klues <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

What are the reported RAM / ROM sizes of your compiled app.  It looks
like the binary may be too large....


On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 1:33 PM, Andrew Parson O'Brien <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

I'm trying to modify a vanilla MultihopOscilliscope so that it may
serve as a Deluge T2-enabled app.

Following the manual, I included "TINYOS_NP=BNP" in the Makefile and
added a DelugeC component in MultihopOscilliscopeAppC.nc. At first it
complained about StorageVolumes.h but after I copied Blink's
volumes-at45db.xml and volumes-stm25p.xml to the program directory it
compiles fine.

At that point I can compile, inject and successfully reboot the mote
using the build/telosb/tos_image.xml file.

When I try to compile it with "CFLAGS=-DDELUGE_BASESTATION make
telosb" however, I get the following errors:

msp430-ld: address 0x1010a of build/telosb/main.exe section .text is
not within region text
msp430-ld: section .vectors [0000ffe0 -> 0000ffff] overlaps section
.text [00004a00 -> 00010109]
msp430-ld: build/telosb/main.exe: section .vectors lma 0xffe0 overlaps
previous sections
make: *** [exe0] Error 1

Am I doing this properly?

The GoldenImage and Blink apps work fine.

I'm using tinyos-2.x's latest CVS,
ncc: 1.2.4,
nescc: 1.2.9,
gcc: gcc (GCC) 4.1.2,
"msp430-ld --version" reports GNU ld version 2.17


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