On Apr 1, 2008, at 2:37 PM, Juan Antonio López Riquelme wrote:

I am working with 2.0.2 release of Tinyos. I have two remote nodes and one with BaseStation application. By all programs I have configured the payload to 39 bytes with the line "#define TOSH_DATA_LENGTH 39". To send messages I have a function and one task. When I have all data from one sensor I call the function FunctionSendData, later a delay of 5 seconds before to get the data from the other sensor and finally the program calls the function again.

The computer uses the program TestSerial with some modications from the tutorials.

The nodes sends two messages every minute. Sometimes I have observed that in Cygwin does not appear the message from one sensor (not always the same).

I would like to know if I can have problems with 39 bytes of payload because the default value is 28 or another idea about what is the problem.

Thanks, Juan Antonio.

task void FunctionSendDataTask(){FunctionSendData();}

void FunctionSendData()


  uint8_t j;

  uint8_t len;

  atomic if (!enviarDatosBusy)


MensajeDatos* btrpkt = (MensajeDatos*)(call Packet.getPayload(&PaqueteDatos, NULL));

          len = recibidos - 5;

          btrpkt->nodeid = TOS_NODE_ID;

          if (sensor0) btrpkt->sensor = 0;

          else btrpkt->sensor = 1;

          btrpkt->longitud = len;

          for (j = 0; j < 36; j++)


                  if (!leerDatos) btrpkt->datos[j] = debug[j];

                  else btrpkt->datos[j] = debug[j+5];


if (call EnviarDatos.send(0, &PaqueteDatos, sizeof(MensajeDatos)) == SUCCESS)


                  enviarDatosBusy = TRUE;


          else post FunctionSendDataTask();


  else post FunctionSendDataTask();


I'm not sure if this is the problem, but you should most definitely not be calling send from within an atomic section. Please take a look at the TinyOS programming manual.

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