Michael Schippling wrote:
> very cool, nice paper.
> But did you really run the data collector for a month?
> And nothing crashed?
> heh
> MS
> Aurélien Francillon wrote:
>> Michael Schippling a écrit :
>> ...
>>> To get a more "random" sequence you need to use some kind
>>> of natural input, like an open ADC or maybe the RSSI with no
>>> active transmission. Even then one can make an argument that
>>> the data is not Truly Random since everything carries some
>>> notion of state...
>> you  may be interested in TinyRNG which is doing similar stuff than 
>> above + is designed for security (key generation etc.... ) :
>> http://planete.inrialpes.fr/~francill/Papers/TinyRNG.pdf
>> http://planete.inrialpes.fr/~francill/stuff/TinyRNG-0.1.tar.gz
>> cheers
>> Aurélien
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Now the problem is that I need to generate a sequence of random numbers 
for all the sensor nodes, that is, after initiation and generation of 
the numbers, every node knows exactly what these numbers are.
If I call the random number generator in the StdControl.init(), then 
each node may generate different numbers, and thus they can not achieve 
a consensus. Thus, do I have to generate these numbers via some outer 
programs and explicitly declare them in the node initiation? Is their 
any better methods?

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