Hello David :
   Maybe i have asked the question to you , but i still have some puzzles .
   1. about the command setLocalSleepInterval(uint16_t sleepIntervalMs) .
    in my opinion , it is used the set that how long the mote sleep . for
example , we set sleepIntervalMs to 250 , which mean the mote will sleep
250ms and wake up automatically , then check whether there is carrier . if
yes , it will keep awake for a long time to receive the data packet , if no
, it will go to sleep .
   i want to know , how long does the mote take to check whether there is
carrier wave ? if there is carrier, how long does the mote keep awake in
order to receive the data packet ?(maybe there is no data packet sended to
it , so i thick there could be a "time upper limit" that the mote keep awake
   2. about the command setRxSleepInterval(message_t *msg, uint16_t
   i don't know what the function of this command is , can you explain to me
,David ?
   In Lesson 16: Writing Low Power Sensing Applications , there is some
introduction to LowPowerListening . it demonstrates the usage pattern :

event void Boot.booted() {
  call LPL.setLocalSleepInterval(LPL_INTERVAL);
  call AMControl.start();

event void AMControl.startDone(error_t e) {
  if(e != SUCCESS)
    call AMControl.start();


void sendMsg() {
  call LPL.setRxSleepInterval(&msg, LPL_INTERVAL);
  if(call Send.send(dest_addr, &msg, sizeof(my_msg_t)) != SUCCESS)
    post retrySendTask();
before we call Send.send , we will call LPL.setRxSleepInterval(&msg,
LPL_INTERVAL) . what is the reason ?

zhang jiwen
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