Hello David :
   about the command setRxSleepInterval() , i want to ask some questions
again .
   1. In my test , the sender and receiver have the same duty cycle (sleep
interval ?) , for example 250ms , how long should i send the wake-up packet
before i send my data ? that is to say that what should i set the  parameter
of setRxSleepInterval before i use the command AMSend.send() to send my
useful datas ?
    in my test , i set it equal to sleep interval , i find there is no lost
packet .
   2. If the receiver receives the packet , it will give the sender an
acknowledgement , what is the format of the acknowledgement ? where is the
format defined ? if i use the Basestation to snoop the acknowledgement , can
i receive it ?
  3. Does rf230 support LowPowerListeing ?

another question :
    David , i download the cvs tree of tinyos-2.x six days ago , i install
the RadioCountToLeds to the mica2 motes , i find they can't communicate with
each other . i have chaged the frequency in CC1000Const.h , just chaged
#define CC1K_DEF_PRESET (CC1K_433_002_MHZ)  To
#define CC1K_DEF_PRESET (CC1K_915_998_MHZ)
(My mica2 motes use 900MHZ)

in the primary tinyos tree (not the version of cvs) , i just chage this ,
the mica2 motes can communicate with each other , but in the cvs version ,
they can't . Do you know why , David ? have you tried ?

thank you very much !!
2008/5/27 David Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Hi Jiwen �C
> I've been out for a few days, sorry for the delay in the response.
> You're correct about the operation of setLocalSleepInterval. The amount of
> time the radio wakes up is ideally as short as possible, and is dependent
> upon the type of low power communication strategy implemented.  The default
> CC2420 low power communication implementation, in an attempt to work on
> everyone's setup, is set to 11 ms receive check intervals.  I've had this
> working reliably in more of a point-to-point scheme (no surrounding network)
> at 5 ms.  Essentially, because the wakeup transmission is a packet train,
> the amount of time a receiver radio must perform an energy-based receive
> check is the duration of the gap in modulation between packets.  On
> different strategies, like a BMAC-based strategy where a long continuously
> modulated signal is emitted from the transmitter, the receive check can be
> near instantaneous.
> The setRxSleepInterval() command is used to setup the packet, before
> transmission, to tell the radio stack how long to transmit that packet for
> to wake up its intended destination.  So if you are about to transmit a
> packet to a node that has a local duty cycle of 250 ms, you have to tell the
> packet that the receiver's sleep interval is 250 ms.  The radio stack will
> wake up the duty cycling receiver for that duration of time while attempting
> to deliver the packet.
> The cc1000_lpl directory is no longer valid, and should never be used.  The
> default cc1000 directory contains a fully functional low power communication
> implementation, BMAC.
> -David
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* jiwen zhang [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> *Sent:* Monday, May 26, 2008 6:33 AM
> *To:* David Moss; tinyos-help
> *Subject:* Fwd: About LowPowerListening
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *jiwen zhang* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2008/5/25
> Subject: About LowPowerListening
> To: David Moss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, tinyos-help <
> tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu>
>  Hello David :
>    Maybe i have asked the question to you , but i still have some puzzles .
>    1. about the command setLocalSleepInterval(uint16_t sleepIntervalMs) .
>     in my opinion , it is used the set that how long the mote sleep . for
> example , we set sleepIntervalMs to 250 , which mean the mote will sleep
> 250ms and wake up automatically , then check whether there is carrier . if
> yes , it will keep awake for a long time to receive the data packet , if no
> , it will go to sleep .
>    i want to know , how long does the mote take to check whether there is
> carrier wave ? if there is carrier, how long does the mote keep awake in
> order to receive the data packet ?(maybe there is no data packet sended to
> it , so i thick there could be a "time upper limit" that the mote keep awake
> )
>    2. about the command setRxSleepInterval(message_t *msg, uint16_t
> sleepIntervalMs)
>    i don't know what the function of this command is , can you explain to
> me ,David ?
>    In Lesson 16: Writing Low Power Sensing Applications , there is some
> introduction to LowPowerListening . it demonstrates the usage pattern :
> event void Boot.booted() {
>   call LPL.setLocalSleepInterval(LPL_INTERVAL);
>   call AMControl.start();
> }
> event void AMControl.startDone(error_t e) {
>   if(e != SUCCESS)
>     call AMControl.start();
> }
> ...
> void sendMsg() {
>   call LPL.setRxSleepInterval(&msg, LPL_INTERVAL);
>   if(call Send.send(dest_addr, &msg, sizeof(my_msg_t)) != SUCCESS)
>     post retrySendTask();
> }
> before we call Send.send , we will call LPL.setRxSleepInterval(&msg,
> LPL_INTERVAL) . what is the reason ?
> another question :
> in the directory /opt/tos/chip , there is a folder named cc1000_lpl , when
> i use the interface of LowPowerListening , i find that the file
> app.c includes some files in the directory /opt/tos/chip/cc10000 and does
> not include any file in the cc1000_lpl . are they different implements of
> the driver of cc1000 ? which one is better ? if cc1000_lpl is better , what
> should i do if i want to use the driver cc1000_lpl? (because the default is
> linked to cc1000)
> --
> zhang jiwen
> --
> zhang jiwen

zhang jiwen
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