Hi David,

I have a question about a parameter used in CC2420 LPL module.

* DELAY_AFTER_RECEIVE=100ms defined in DefaultLpl.h
This value is used to stretch the radio's ON time after receiving or sending
a packet, and also detecting some CCAs at check time. I think that the cca
detection related delay time should be seperated with the first two cases
(after sending/receiving). If CCA detection is a false positive meaning that
no packet is being transmitted to node, keeping radio ON during 100ms is too
wasteful when we use a short check interval such as 100ms. Even though we
use a shorter delay time such as 50ms, according to my experiment, there is
no problem because radio is supposed to receive a packet after detecting
CCAs, otherwise the radio should be OFF right after waiting an expected time
for packet reception. I do not feel 100ms should be sticked for this case, a
shorter delay would be fine if it is enough to guarrantee the packet
reception at valid CCA detection.  Am I missing something?

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