Hello :

2008/6/3 Razvan Musaloiu-E. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi!
> I just found a MPR400CB and I and was able to successfully run the burn
> script from the tinyos-2.x/apps/tests/deluge/Blink.

that is to say you have modify the deluge to make it support deluge
including th burn script ? what is the way ?  are there some differences
with mine ? are there some errors in my modifications , Razvan ME ?

> I used a MIB520 so the command I used was:
>        ./burn /dev/ttyUSB0 /dev/ttyUSB1 micaz
> Both the injection and the reboot worked fine.

i also can injection on the basestation mote . but when i use the reboot
command (-r) , it does not load the image i specify to the internal flash
and just reboot .
what about yours ? does it can reboot from the specified image ?

> I only have one of these motes so I cannot do any other test than this. :-(

You have helped me so much , i really thank you very mcch !!

Does any one try it ? i want to know the your result . thank you very much

> --
> Razvan ME
> On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, jiwen zhang wrote:
> Hello all :
>>  can someone give me an answer to my questions (as follows)?  thank you
>> very much !!!
>> 2008/6/1 jiwen zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> Hello all :
>>>   because i have many mica2 motes , and few micaz motes , so i want to
>>> modify the deluge to make it support mica2 .
>>>  some operations i have done :
>>>  1 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/TOSBOOT , create a folder named mica2
>>> ,
>>> copy all the files in the directory TOSBOOT/micaz to TOSBOOT/mica2.
>>>  2 . modify the file hardware.h in TOSBOOT/mica2 . add the sentences at
>>> about lines 101? :
>>>  chage the value of VOLTAGE_PORT to 7 . (i refer to tinyos-1.15) , i
>>> think it should be 30 .
>>>  3. modify the file VoltageC.nc
>>>   at the start of command Voltage.okToProgram() , add the sentences : (i
>>> refer to tinyos-1.15)
>>>      TOSH_SET_BAT_MON_PIN();
>>>  4 . modify the Makefile in the directory TOSBOOT/  , add the sentences
>>> (after about lines 54 ?):
>>> ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),mica2)
>>>  CFLAGS += -DTOSBOOT_START=0x1f000 -DTOSBOOT_END=0x20000
>>>  CFLAGS += -Wl,--section-start=.text=0x1f000
>>>  CFLAGS += -Iat45db -Iavr -Imica2 -Ilib
>>>  CFLAGS += -I../net/Deluge
>>> endif
>>>  5 . modify the files TOSBootM.nc in /TOSBOOT/ ,
>>> BlockStorageManagerC.nc and BlockStorageManagerP.nc in
>>> lib/Deluge/BlockStorageManager/ , DelugePageTransfer.h in lib/Deluge/ .
>>>  the mothod is easy , for example :
>>> at the lines : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_IRIS)
>>> change it into : defined(PLATFORM_MICAZ) || defined(PLATFORM_MICA2) ||
>>> defined(PLATFORM_IRIS)
>>> 6 . go to /opt/tinyos-2.x/tos/lib/net/Deluge/extra , copy the files
>>> NetProgC.nc and NetProgM.nc in extra/iris to extra/mica2 .
>>> 7 . /opt/tinyos-2.x/support/make, modify the file bnp.extra , add the
>>> sentences at about line29 ?:
>>>  ifeq ($(TARGETS),mica2)
>>>    CFLAGS += -I$(DELUGE_EXTRA)/mica2 -I$(DELUGE_EXTRA)/micaz
>>>    BOOTLOADER ?= $(TOSBOOT_DIR)/mica2/main.ihex
>>>    AVR_FUSE_H ?= 0xda
>>>  endif
>>> 8 . modify the files tos-deluge in /usr/local/bin ? and
>>> /opt/tinyos/tools/tinyos/misc at about line38 ? :
>>> chage :
>>> BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
>>>                          'telosb': 115200,
>>>                          'iris': 57600}
>>> into :
>>> BAUDRATES = {'micaz': 57600,
>>>                         'mica2': 57600,
>>>                          'telosb': 115200,
>>>                          'iris': 57600}
>>> that is all .
>>> Do i still have something to modify or there are something wrong i have
>>> modified ?
>>> i have tested the result , there is something deviant :
>>> 1 . i test the basestion node (/opt/tinyos-2.x/tests/deluge/blink ,
>>> CFLAGS="--DDELUGE_BASESTATION" make mica2 ), I can ping it and inject a
>>> new
>>> image , but when i use the command to reboot it from the image i have
>>> installed (section 1) , it reboots but does not load the image from
>>> senction
>>> 1 .
>>> 2 . i test network programme . i use two mica2 motes , one is the
>>> basestion
>>> , the other is non-basestation . after i use the command "-dr" , i find
>>> the
>>> green led of non-basestation blinks .( i have tested with micaz , it is a
>>> right  action it should have . )  i have thought it is ok . but after a
>>> long
>>> time (about more than 30 minutes ) , the mote still blink the green led .
>>> i
>>> don't know why .
>>> can anyone give me some suggestions ?
>>> thank you very much !!
>>> zhang jiwen
>> --
>> zhang jiwen

zhang jiwen
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