On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 7:09 AM, Gaurav Chandwani
> Hi All,
> I saw a strange behaviour using SerialForwarder - When the application
> is running for some hours, sometimes, i dont receive messages from a
> particular node for some minutes and then it comes back again.  Its
> reproduced many times.
> Has anybody seen this kind of behaviour ?
> Since MHO is stable, so there should be a problem at my end but I am
> not able to find where.

If there is no viable path between the nodes and the root, CTP won't
be able to deliver packets. Have you considered that possibility?

> Since the nodes can reach root node directly, they will send message
> only to it or also other nodes ?

It can be either way depending on the link and path qualities.

> Can there be a problem with root node sending of messages on UART or
> some other queue overflow ? I am using baud rate of 115200.
> Next, I will try to use printf to understand at which level the problem is.

Queues should not overflow if you are not sending a lot of packets and
if there are viable paths. It is possible to overflow a queue if a
node is not able to drain it fast enough (too many retransmissions,
for example)

> As i read, the reliability of CTP should be 99.9% at low traffic rate,
> but the 0.1% messages that are lost, are lost
> periodically or there is a possibility that they can be lost in chunks
> of messages ? and what will be high traffic rate ?

If you are planning to saturate the channel, you should expect a lot of losses.

If these motes are connected with a PC during the experiment, I
suggest running tests/TestNetwork and looking at the debug messages
logged by each mote to understand the cause for the loss you are

- om_p
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