You have to add a pull-up network to both I2C lines Data and Clk. On the MDA300 
board, just put a 10kOhm resistor between the Data and Vcc pins, and another 
one between Clk and Vcc.




From: Antonio Prados Vilchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: June 27, 2008 7:50 AM
To: Christopher Leung;
Subject: RE: [Tinyos-help] ADC&MDA300


Thanks for your help Christopher.

I'm following the steps to read from the ADC ADS7828 in the MDA300 board, using 
the I2C interface. However, event I2CPacket.writeDone never occurs. I thought 
that it could be because of a mistake in my code, but I did a bit of research 
about the sensors of the MTS300 sensorboard which use the I2C interface 
(Microphone and magnetometer). In those components it also happens, the event 
I2CPacket.writeDone is never signaled. Does anybody know how to solve this 

Thanks in advance.

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Christopher Leung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lun 23/06/2008 18:30
Para: Antonio Prados Vilchez;
Asunto: RE: [Tinyos-help] ADC&MDA300

You also need to use the interface Resource from the Atm128I2CMasterC component.
Here are the steps you will need to do: Resource.request, wait for 
Resource.granted, I2C.write, wait for I2C.writeDone,, wait for 
I2C.readDone, Resource.release.  It's important that you release the I2C 
resource especially if you have other components relying on it.


From: Antonio Prados Vilchez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 6/23/2008 5:16 AM
To: Christopher Leung;
Subject: RE: [Tinyos-help] ADC&MDA300

Thanks for your help, Christopher.

Now I'm trying to use the I2C interface, as you said, but it doesn´t work. I 
get a lot of compiling errors in the I2CPacket and Atm128I2CMasterC files, so I 
think it's because of the instantiation. Am I doing it right? Should I upgrade 
my TinyOS files to a newer version? The way I instantiate these interfaces and 
components is:
    components new Atm128I2CMasterC();

    App.I2CPacket -> Atm128I2CMasterC;

module SensorToRadioC
        interface I2CPacket<TI2CBasicAddr>;

Thanks in advance




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