I'm sure this is covered in the tutorials but the basics are:

Put something like this in your config file:

  RoboMsgM.RStatusMsg -> GenericComm.SendMsg[AM_ROBOSTATUSMSG];

Where the array argument is an arbitrary 8 bit number to identify
the message structure (type) being sent, and RStatusMsg is an
arbitrary name of your liking.

Then call this method in the RoboMsgM.nc (or a name of your choice if
you don't like mine) file:

   call RStatusMsg.send( TosBaseId, sizeof(RoboStatusMsg), statmsgp );

and provide a sendDone() for it:

   event result_t RStatusMsg.sendDone(TOS_MsgPtr sent, result_t success)
        return S{UCCESS;

Search this list for a link to my oft quoted code bolus for a full example...

As to how to get a "fucking interface" to work...you should probably have
discussed this with your parents some years ago...


milos rovcanin wrote:
> Listen to this: I am using GenericComm's interface SendMsg[uint8_t] to 
> send a message. When I call: SendMsg.send[uint8_t](), compiler says: 
> Syntax error before 'uint8_t' .
> When I try: call SendMsg.send[1]()   it says: SendMsg.send not connected.
> when I try: call SendMsg.send() it says parameters miswsing in call to 
> parameterised interface
> How to make this fucking interface work!?? Please! Anyone????
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Programmer: MIB510
Device(s): Mica2, MicaZ, Tmote
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