Hi Razvan,

I did all the five steps that i mentioned previously with your comment on
 '-'  for the first two steps as follows;

1-) CFLAGS=-DDELUGE_BASESTATION make micaz install,0 mib520,/dev/ttyUSB0
2-) CFLAGS=-DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION make telosb install bsl,/dev/ttyUSB2

Then i *succeeded* to disseminate Blink and now, TelosB blinks :)
Thus, cross-platform issue is ok for MICAz and TelosB motes!

However, after i run the last command
"/usr/bin/tos-deluge /dev/ttyUSB1 micaz -dr 1"

it took about *45* *seconds *to reboot TelosB itself. Does it normal?

Thanks in advance,

Mehmet Akif Antepli
Graduate Student
Dept. of Electrical-Electronics Eng.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Razvan Musaloiu-E. <razv...@cs.jhu.edu>
> Hi!
> On Fri, 6 Feb 2009, Mehmet Akif Antepli wrote:
>> Hi Razvan,
>>> Btw: make sure you don't forget the '-' in 'CFLAGS=-DDELUGE_BASESTATION'
>>> and
>>> 'CFLAGS+=-DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION'. I presume it was a typo in your
>>> original message. :-)
>> While writing the e-mail, actually I couldn't remember whether i used
>> '-' or not :-).  But, i did not get any errors, that's for sure!
>> Anyhow, i don't remember the '-' thing for now, but this evening i
>> have  a chance to go to lab and test it.
>> Thanks for your reply Razvan,
>> By the way, is there a mistake in the tos-deluge python script under
>> tinyos-2.x/tools/tinyos/misc?
>> Actually, I use TinyOS-2.1.0 in XubunTOS-2.1.0 but, I also downloaded
>> tinyos-2.x form CVS
>> to use python scripts related to tinyos-2.x/tools (altough they are
>> installled in Tinyos-2.1.0 under usr/bin). In the Deluge T2 document
>> (http://docs.tinyos.net/index.php/Deluge_T2) it says that;
>> Tools Installation
>> Deluge T2 requires a few Python scripts that not yet included in the
>> official tinyos-tools RPM package. On the CVS, the scripts are located
>> in tinyos-2.x/tools/tinyos/misc. The steps to install them are the
>> following:
>> % cd $TOSROOT/tools
>> % ./Bootstrap
>>    ...
>> % ./configure
>>    ...
>> % cd tinyos/misc
>> % make ; make install
>>    ...
>> For TinyOS-2.1.0, tos-deluge python script is in usr/bin
>> After i do those steps above, i have a second tos-deluge python script
>> but this time under usr/local/bin.Then, i do the 5 steps that i wrote
>> previously to implement application image dissemination, (but this
>> time by calling /usr/local/bin/tos-deluge).
> If you don't give the '--prefix=...' to the ./configure script then the
> default install path is /urs/local. The text from the wiki manual says
>        By default, the files will be installed in /usr/local/bin. If
>        desired, the --prefix parameter from configure can be used to
>        indicate a different path.
>> However, i got an error related to tos.AM(), about missing parameters
>> where in the code below (code in the /usr/local/bin/tos-deluge), there
>> is not any argument for tos.AM();
>> 398 # ======== MAIN ======== #
>> 399 if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
>> 400
>> 401     am = tos.AM()
>> what do you think about that? Have you ever been faced with that kind
>> of an error, or i messed up everything relating to tinyos-tools?
> The place of tos.py, the Python library used by the tos-deluge, changed
> 2.1 and now is in $TOSDIR/support/sdk/python. In you case the tos-deluge
> might pick-up by mistake the old one from 2.1
> --
> Razvan ME
>> Note that: The first error event that i have been faced with, has
>> nothing to do with that new error event becasue when i failed in the
>> former, i tried the latter hoping to run dissemination!
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Mehmet Akif Antepli
>> Graduate Student
>> Dept. of Electrical-Electronics Eng.
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Razvan Musaloiu-E. <razv...@cs.jhu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi!
>>> Sorry for delay, I just noticed this thread.
>>> On Fri, 6 Feb 2009, Mehmet Akif Antepli wrote:
>>>> Hi Bai,
>>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>>> I flaged TelosB with Light_Base_Station since i want to ping TelosB,
>>>> also. Therefore, i included this "CFLAGS+=DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION"
>>>> in the 2nd step.
>>> It's not a mistake to use -DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION without any errors.
>>> I
>>> never test the cross-platform operation of Deluge T2 but I'll do it
>>> tomorrow.
>>> Btw: make sure you don't forget the '-' in 'CFLAGS=-DDELUGE_BASESTATION'
>>> and
>>> 'CFLAGS+=-DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION'. I presume it was a typo in your
>>> original message. :-)
>>> --
>>> Razvan ME
>>>> Anyhow, i will do the 2nd step without
>>>> "CFLAGS+=DDELUGE_LIGHT_BASESTATION" again and see whether it works or
>>>> not.
>>>> Mehmet Akif Antepli
>>>> Graduate Student
>>>> Dept. of Electrical-Electronics Eng.
>>>> METU
>>>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 2:15 AM, BAI LI <libai0...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I think your second step was not correct. You should not flag the
>>>>> telosb
>>>>> with base station since your micaz was working as base station now.
>>>>> can
>>>>> normally install Goldimage on telosb with an id.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bai
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