Thank you very much

On Tuesday 13 October 2009 14:22:29 you wrote:
> Hi,
> The compiler is warning you about 65000 not the variable dim, just put
> 65000U to tell the compiler you know what you are doing.
> -Bill
> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 3:10 AM, giorgio <> wrote:
> > I use nesc on tinyos 2.1 and I read that I can use uint8_t ,uint16_t
> > ,uint32_t
> > and uint64_t as unsigned int 8 bit,unsigned int 16 bit,unsigned int 32
> > bit and
> > unsigned int 64 bit but when I use uint16_t and assign to it a value
> > higher than 32000 I obtain a warning that is :
> >
> > warning: decimal constant is so large that it is
> > unsigned
> >
> >
> > module GestioneP{
> >        uses interface Boot;
> >
> >        uses interface Timer<TMilli> as Ti;
> > }
> > implementation{
> >        uint16_t  dim = 0;
> >        uint32_t dim1 = 0;
> >
> >
> >        event void Boot.booted(){
> >
> >                dim = 65000;//this is the line of warning
> >                dim1= 228255;
> >                call Ti.startOneShot(10000);
> >
> >        }
> >
> >
> >        event void Ti.fired(){
> >
> >                printf("dim  %ud %lud\n ",dim,dim1);
> >                printfflush();
> >
> >                dim = dim -10;
> >
> >                dim1 = dim1 -10;
> >
> >                printf("dim  %ud %lud\n ",dim,dim1);
> >                printfflush();
> >
> >                if(dim < 65535)
> >                printf("dim minore di 65535\n");
> >
> >                if(dim1 < 228255)
> >                printf("dim1 minore di 228255\n");
> >
> >
> >        }
> >
> >
> > }
> >
> > My doubt is about is defined a variable that is a global variable is not
> > instantiate still you don't use it ?If I have defined uint32_t dim =0;
> > why I
> > obtain that warning on dim = 65000 ?
> >
> > thank in advance to all have a suggestion or a link to documentation that
> > I haven't read
> >
> > Giorgio
> >
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