Hi Giancarlo,

The RF230HWACk driver does not use the hardware CSMA engine of the
chip, only hardware ACKs. The driver automatically retries to send
messages. You might want to enable acknowledgements to guarantee


On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 6:37 PM, Giancarlo <giancarlo.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a newbie TinyOs programmer and i'm searching advice/help to use
> CSMA/CA under IRIS.
> I need a low packet loss to track continuos data from sensors.
> I've seen on AT86RF230 chip manual that i need to use Extended
> Operating Mode , that i need to initialize registers 0x2C (XAH_CTRL)
> ,0x2D (CSMA_SEED_0) ,0x2E (CSMA_SEED_1).
> On TinyOs source code (2.1.1) i made the (hoped) according modifications :
> DEFINEd in RF230DriverLayer.h Extended Operating Mode by RF230_HARDWARE_ACK
> In RF230DriverHwAckP.nc I wrote in the three registers values
> according with the chip manual , by the way i found   XAH_CTRL and
> CSMA_SEED_0 initialized to 0 and no trace of initialition of
> in this way  (btw chip reset value)
>               uint8_t CSMA_retry = 56;
>               uint8_t CSMA_seed_init = 194;
>               uint8_t CSMA_seed_0init = 234
>               .
>               .
>               .
>               writeRegister(RF230_XAH_CTRL, CSMA_retry);
>               writeRegister(RF230_CSMA_SEED_0, CSMA_seed_0init);
>               writeRegister(RF230_CSMA_SEED_1, CSMA_seed_init);
> Recompiled, flashed  , no improvements , packet loss levels are the
> same than before.
> Am i doing well or i just making some errors?
> thanks for any advice
> Giancarlo
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