Michael Schippling ha scritto:
> I'm not certain that read() is queue-able. You may need to
> start a subsequent read() from the readDone() of the previous.
> First try putting your led1 toggle in Sensor_7 done, because
> (if they are not queueing) that one is probably the one that
> actually executes. Also try doing just one read() and see
> if you can get that to work.
> MS

First thank you very much for your reply. I had already tried to make
the application with a single channel (so with a single read call and a
single readDone event), but nothing has changed: the event readDone is
never called and the led doesn't turn on. Now, as you suggested, I tried
also to move the call led1Toggle() in the readDone of the Sensor_7;
unfortunately I have not been successful. Any other ideas?

Thanks again.

Francesco Ficarola
Tinyos-help mailing list

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