I haven't used that interface so I don't know...
Moving the led call was just to see if only the last
conversion was happening, which apparently it isn't...

See if you can find an example in the existing code.
Start with a single channel. Perhaps there is an init()
or start() that needs to be done first?


Francesco Ficarola wrote:
> Michael Schippling ha scritto:
>> I'm not certain that read() is queue-able. You may need to
>> start a subsequent read() from the readDone() of the previous.
>> First try putting your led1 toggle in Sensor_7 done, because
>> (if they are not queueing) that one is probably the one that
>> actually executes. Also try doing just one read() and see
>> if you can get that to work.
>> MS
> First thank you very much for your reply. I had already tried to make
> the application with a single channel (so with a single read call and a
> single readDone event), but nothing has changed: the event readDone is
> never called and the led doesn't turn on. Now, as you suggested, I tried
> also to move the call led1Toggle() in the readDone of the Sensor_7;
> unfortunately I have not been successful. Any other ideas?
> Thanks again.
> Francesco Ficarola
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