On Sep 13, 2010, at 11:56 PM, Roger Larsson wrote:

> Hi,
> I am in need of a multichannel oscilloscope application for Tinyos2
> (I have read that there was such an application included in  
> Boomerang - but I can't find it available on the net)
> In an attempt to learn Tinyos I have enhanced the included  
> Oscilloscope application,
> 80% works...
> I suspect that the remaining 20% will take 80% of my time to polish  
> up (mostly in the Java application)
> So now is the time to ask - does anyone have finished code in their  
> drawer?
> PS
>   Why isn't it possible to use the SENSOR_ARRAY approach? (really a  
> question for tinyos-devel)

Keeping this on -help.

Sorry -- I haven't been able to keep up with -help the past few  
weeks. Can you describe the SENSOR_ARRAY approach? Are you basically  
talking about having a single function call invoke many operations,  
then spool in the split-phase results based on an identifier?  
Something like:

call Sensors.read()

event Sensor.readDone[i](x)
   data[i] = x

Or am I completely misunderstanding the issue?


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