GA == Genetic Algorithm

Pareto (wave) front == In game theory a Pareto move is one that
gives one or more players a higher payoff without reducing the
payoff to the others. A Pareto optimum is where all the players
are at a point where none can increase their benefit without
reducing that of another. This may (is probably) not a stable
Nash equilibrium point...the Prisoner's Dilemma is a good

In TOS a list of apparently random (phone) numbers is par
for the probably a Nash.

I am not much of an optimizer myself.


Eric Decker wrote:
> What is a GA?   
> my background is in computer architecture, network architecture, 
> embedded systems, applied information theory.   So don't have a clue.
> On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Chris Brooks < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Sure, it`s widely used in multiobjective optimisation be it GAs or
>     other evolutionary algorithms. I read the table of numbers as being
>     two columns for the 2 objectives, and 11 rows for best GA results so
>     far? Just trying to understand the optimisation problem, as my
>     background is in optimisation :-)
>     Chris Brooks
>     Sent from my ASUS Eee Pad
>     Michael Schippling < <>> wrote:
>      > OK, this is for my own amusement only...
>      >
>      > What the heck are you guys talking about?
>      >
>      > By "pareto front" do you mean the, slowly,
>      > improving set of values discovered by the GA?
>      > I've only heard pareto optimum in game theory,
>      > not GA's, but it seems to fit.
>      >
>      > If that list of numbers is meant to represent
>      > X-Y locations for nodes, they plot out to be
>      > along the two axes. That doesn't seem to be
>      > very optimal for coverage of a 2-D area.
>      >
>      > I will be of no use in testing, but I believe
>      > TOSSIM allows one to specify locations in its
>      > setup files, so you should be able to plug them
>      > in with appropriate scaling.
>      >
>      > And I guess the insertion of telephone # links
>      > was a feature of someone's iPhone having a little
>      > fun with it's users?
>      >
>      > MS
>      >
>      > Not sent from no iPone or nuthin like it
>      >
>      >
>      > Chris Brooks wrote:
>      >> So are those values lying on the pareto front found by the GA? I
>      >> think we need more info to figure out what you are trying to
>      >> accomplish! For a start, what were the design variables of your
>      >> optimisation?
>      >>
>      >>
>      >>
>      >>
>      >> Chris Brooks
>      >>
>      >> Sent from my ASUS Eee Pad
>      >>
>      >> Michael Schippling <
>     <>> wrote:
>      >>
>      >>
>      >>
>      >>> uh... what are those values of? secondarily, why do some of them
>      >>> seem to show as telephone numbers?
>      >>>
>      >>> MS
>      >>>
>      >>> T O wrote:
>      >>>> Hi,
>      >>>>
>      >>>> I have a Multi-objective Genetic Algorithm that i am optimising,
>      >>>> the algorithm outputs the values below. The first objective is
>      >>>> maximising the efficiency of the network by lowering energy
>      >>>> depletion(minimising energy depletion) and the second is
>      >>>> maximising the number of nodes to achieve full coverage.
>      >>>>
>      >>>> 0.943164 0.000163251 <tel:0.000163251> 0.000346453
>      >>>> <tel:0.000346453> 0.254052 0.583485 0.000419807 <tel:0.000419807>
>      >>>>  0.289261 0.000633636 <tel:0.000633636> 0.896291 0.000314365
>      >>>> <tel:0.000314365> 0.100863 0.000900134 <tel:0.000900134>
>      >>>> 0.000730138 <tel:0.000730138> 0.179723 0.0010259 0.0163291
>      >>>> 0.0509728 0.00154449 0.000590426 <tel:0.000590426> 0.248574
>      >>>> 0.00175349 0.001788
>      >>>>
>      >>>> So from the output values above I wanted to simulate a wireless
>      >>>> sensor network.
>      >>>>
>      >>>> If you could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated.
>      >>>>
>      >>>> Regards
>      >>>>
>      >>>> Thomas
>      >>>>
>      >>>>
>      >>>>
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>      >>>>
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> -- 
> Eric B. Decker
> Senior (over 50 :-) Researcher
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