
The $CLASSPATH variable for your shell (probably bash) need to be set up to
include TinyOS's directories every time you run it (i.e. open up a terminal
window), so you need to either:
1) Run the script that Joao references every time you open up a new
terminal, which can be done by modifying your ~/.bashrc file to run the
tinyos.sh script that Joao cut-and-pasted here
2) Permanently add these variables to your system, which could possibly muck
things up and become unreliable.

In short, cut and paste Joao's code into a new file, and add the full path
to that file (for example, on my virtual machine, /opt/tinyos/tinyos.sh) to
~/.bashrc. Then open up a new terminal and, and your environment variables
should be set up correctly (check them by doing "echo $CLASSPATH" or
whichever other one you'd need.)


2011/6/28 João Gonçalves <joao.m.goncal...@ist.utl.pt>

> Didn't you source from a script like this?
> #! /usr/bin/env bash
> # Here we setup the environment
> # variables needed by the tinyos
> # make system
> echo "Setting up for TinyOS"
> export TOSROOT=
> export TOSDIR=
> export MAKERULES=
> TOSROOT="/opt/tinyos-2.x"
> CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar
> PYTHONPATH=.:$TOSROOT/support/sdk/python:$PYTHONPATH
> MAKERULES="$TOSROOT/support/make/Makerules"
> export TOSROOT
> export TOSDIR
> export CLASSPATH
> export MAKERULES
> export PATH=$PATH:/opt/msp430-gcc-4.4.5/bin
> On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 2:54 AM, 陈卓 <czx...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I ran $ tos-check-env on my computer and there are several warnings shown 
>> up. One of them says "CLASSPATH may not include ...". Would you please help 
>> me on setting the CLASSPATH?
>> Thanks,
>> Zhuo Chen
>> --
>> Lab of Next Generation Network
>> Dept. of Electronic Engineering
>> Tsinghua University
>> Beijing, 100084, China
>> e-mail: chenzhu...@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
>> cell: 15120003979
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