Hi Correo,

2011/10/21 Correo de Wacka <yo_wa...@hotmail.com>:
> Hi Miklos,
> I've been reading all the post about ACK's on RF230. I would like to know
> wether is possible to change the timeout ACK for HARDWARE ACKs or is fixed
> by the transceiver. I've read int the datasheet that this timeout is 864 μs.

No, it is not possible to change the ACK timeout. Also, in the first
hardware revision of the RF230 the ack timeout is way to short (I
think it is like 5 bytes =  160 us), so you have to keep that in mind.

> Because softwareack timeout has to be increased till 1100 in my app, but I

The shoftware ACK is increased because under heavy load the MCU cannot
keep up (someone has to update the BaseStation and serial code for
example, or use the fastserial lib).

> don't know why, the first time I call ackrequest(), the field of MAC layer
> doesn't appear set.The next times it works fine.

You have to call Packet.clear!

> And my last question is, is possible to define a number of automatic retries
> if an ack is not delivered using softACKS? or is possible using hardACKS? In
> the datasheet appear that If no valid ACK is received or a timeout (after
> 864 μs) occurred, the radio transceiver retries the entire transaction,
> including CSMA-CA execution. This repeats until the
> frame has been acknowledged or the maximum number of retransmissions (as set
> by the register bits MAX_FRAME_RETRIES in register 0x2C) has been reached.

use PacketLink, it works both for HW and SW acks. No, you cannot use
the MAX_FRAME_RETRIES parameter in HW ack mode, that is not
implemented and never used.


> Best regards
> David

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