
Use the PacketLink interface provided by ActiveMessageC (or
RF230ActiveMessageC). There you can set the retry count on a per
packet basis.


2011/10/21 Correo de Wacka <yo_wa...@hotmail.com>:
> Hi Miklos,
> Thanks for your tips. Only one more question.. what do u mean with "use
> PacketLink"? I haven't found how to fix a number of retries...
>> Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 14:11:27 +0200
>> Subject: Re: HardACK timeout and Retries
>> From: mmar...@math.u-szeged.hu
>> To: yo_wa...@hotmail.com
>> CC: tinyos-help@millennium.berkeley.edu
>> Hi Correo,
>> 2011/10/21 Correo de Wacka <yo_wa...@hotmail.com>:
>> > Hi Miklos,
>> >
>> > I've been reading all the post about ACK's on RF230. I would like to
>> > know
>> > wether is possible to change the timeout ACK for HARDWARE ACKs or is
>> > fixed
>> > by the transceiver. I've read int the datasheet that this timeout is 864
>> > μs.
>> No, it is not possible to change the ACK timeout. Also, in the first
>> hardware revision of the RF230 the ack timeout is way to short (I
>> think it is like 5 bytes = 160 us), so you have to keep that in mind.
>> > Because softwareack timeout has to be increased till 1100 in my app, but
>> > I
>> The shoftware ACK is increased because under heavy load the MCU cannot
>> keep up (someone has to update the BaseStation and serial code for
>> example, or use the fastserial lib).
>> > don't know why, the first time I call ackrequest(), the field of MAC
>> > layer
>> > doesn't appear set.The next times it works fine.
>> You have to call Packet.clear!
>> > And my last question is, is possible to define a number of automatic
>> > retries
>> > if an ack is not delivered using softACKS? or is possible using
>> > hardACKS? In
>> > the datasheet appear that If no valid ACK is received or a timeout
>> > (after
>> > 864 μs) occurred, the radio transceiver retries the entire transaction,
>> > including CSMA-CA execution. This repeats until the
>> > frame has been acknowledged or the maximum number of retransmissions (as
>> > set
>> > by the register bits MAX_FRAME_RETRIES in register 0x2C) has been
>> > reached.
>> use PacketLink, it works both for HW and SW acks. No, you cannot use
>> the MAX_FRAME_RETRIES parameter in HW ack mode, that is not
>> implemented and never used.
>> Best,
>> Miklos
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> >
>> > David
>> >
>> >
>> >

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