The tutorials may help in "understanding" this, but...

There should be a "config" file, in TOS1 mine is

It has these lines:
  components Main, ...., DemoSensorC as Sensor, ....

   OscilloscopeM.SensorControl -> Sensor;
   OscilloscopeM.ADC -> Sensor;

Then you need to dig through the ratholes of platform directories
to find _which_ DemoSensorC file is being used. Sometimes doing
"make tmote docs" will generate some nice diagrams, but they are
about as hard to decipher as the directory structure itself. The
DemoSensorC I found for tmotes, again in the last T1 release, is:
and it uses "InternalTemp" as it's sensor...

The Oscope supplied with moteiv -- the original commercial tmote
-- uses a set of sensors, none of which is Light...


Baudry Arthur wrote:
> Ok but I am still a beginner, how do I check that ? 
> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Michael Schippling < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Check to see that the O'scope program is configured to sample
>     the light sensor. It may be using something else. I remember
>     one less than spectacular demo that used the battery voltage...
>     MS
>     Baudry Arthur wrote:
>         Good afternoon to both of you,
>         Thanks for your answer, I was away for a few days and I'm just
>         seeing it now. About the sensor type, I have no idea my mote is
>         supposed to be a telosb, if I do a motelist the reference is
>         M4AP1122 and the description is Sensilla tmote sky. I don't know
>         what exactly is the type of the sensor, this a light sensor
>         mounted on the telosb node. I am seeing anything changing when I
>         cover the sensor with my finger, that's why I know that there is
>         a problem but I don't know how to fix it, I'm using oscilloscope
>         to send the data to another node equipped with basestation and
>         the value displayed after conversion are around 3900 just like
>         the values I can observe when I run the Java GUI for
>         Oscilloscope. If you have any ideas, they are welcome :)
>         Have a good day
>         On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Urs Hunkeler <
>         <> < <>>> wrote:
>            Hi,
>            I remember getting values close to 0 (< 50) when it is dark and
>            values just slightly greater than 1000 when it is very bright
>            (without any conversion). If your values don't change much, I
>         think
>            there is a problem with the sensor. You should see a clear drop
>            (50%?) when you cover the light sensor with your finger.
>            Cheers,
>            Urs
>            On 11/24/11 7:37 PM, Baudry Arthur wrote:
>                Good afternoon everyone,
>                I use a telosb node equipped with a light sensor, I have
>                succeeded in
>                receiving data from the node on my laptop, but for me the
>         data are
>                talking non sense because I always get a value next to
>         4000 (when I
>                convert the readings to a decimal value) even if it is
>         dark in
>                my place.
>                Is there a way to treat those data, I know that for
>         example for
>                temperature data we have to apply a formula to get the real
>                temperature
>                value. Does anyone know how to interpret the light data ?
>                Have a good day, regards,
>                --
>                Arthur Baudry
>                ESEO
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>         -- 
>         Arthur Baudry
>         ESEO
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