Found it, it is working thanks everyone for your help

On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 3:38 PM, Michael Schippling <>wrote:

> The tutorials may help in "understanding" this, but...
> There should be a "config" file, in TOS1 mine is
> It has these lines:
>  components Main, ...., DemoSensorC as Sensor, ....
>  OscilloscopeM.SensorControl -> Sensor;
>  OscilloscopeM.ADC -> Sensor;
> Then you need to dig through the ratholes of platform directories
> to find _which_ DemoSensorC file is being used. Sometimes doing
> "make tmote docs" will generate some nice diagrams, but they are
> about as hard to decipher as the directory structure itself. The
> DemoSensorC I found for tmotes, again in the last T1 release, is:
>    ....\tos\platform\msp430\**
> and it uses "InternalTemp" as it's sensor...
> The Oscope supplied with moteiv -- the original commercial tmote
> -- uses a set of sensors, none of which is Light...
> MS
> Baudry Arthur wrote:
>> Ok but I am still a beginner, how do I check that ?
>> On Sun, Nov 27, 2011 at 3:03 PM, Michael Schippling 
>> <<mailto:
>>>> wrote:
>>    Check to see that the O'scope program is configured to sample
>>    the light sensor. It may be using something else. I remember
>>    one less than spectacular demo that used the battery voltage...
>>    MS
>>    Baudry Arthur wrote:
>>        Good afternoon to both of you,
>>        Thanks for your answer, I was away for a few days and I'm just
>>        seeing it now. About the sensor type, I have no idea my mote is
>>        supposed to be a telosb, if I do a motelist the reference is
>>        M4AP1122 and the description is Sensilla tmote sky. I don't know
>>        what exactly is the type of the sensor, this a light sensor
>>        mounted on the telosb node. I am seeing anything changing when I
>>        cover the sensor with my finger, that's why I know that there is
>>        a problem but I don't know how to fix it, I'm using oscilloscope
>>        to send the data to another node equipped with basestation and
>>        the value displayed after conversion are around 3900 just like
>>        the values I can observe when I run the Java GUI for
>>        Oscilloscope. If you have any ideas, they are welcome :)
>>        Have a good day
>>        On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Urs Hunkeler <
>>        <> < <>>>
>> wrote:
>>           Hi,
>>           I remember getting values close to 0 (< 50) when it is dark and
>>           values just slightly greater than 1000 when it is very bright
>>           (without any conversion). If your values don't change much, I
>>        think
>>           there is a problem with the sensor. You should see a clear drop
>>           (50%?) when you cover the light sensor with your finger.
>>           Cheers,
>>           Urs
>>           On 11/24/11 7:37 PM, Baudry Arthur wrote:
>>               Good afternoon everyone,
>>               I use a telosb node equipped with a light sensor, I have
>>               succeeded in
>>               receiving data from the node on my laptop, but for me the
>>        data are
>>               talking non sense because I always get a value next to
>>        4000 (when I
>>               convert the readings to a decimal value) even if it is
>>        dark in
>>               my place.
>>               Is there a way to treat those data, I know that for
>>        example for
>>               temperature data we have to apply a formula to get the real
>>               temperature
>>               value. Does anyone know how to interpret the light data ?
>>               Have a good day, regards,
>>               --
>>               Arthur Baudry
>>               ESEO
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>>        ESEO
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