Bob, Popeye the Sailor says "youse gets out whats youse puts in."
It's not that her grade was low or that your grading was unfair.  It 
was that her committment and performance was not up to snuff.  She knew 
what she had to do and didn't do it.  Where was she " during the term 
after she got the first failing grade with her "pleas?"  If she has 
true "testitis," she should go see a psychologist. :-))  The real world 
doesn't give extra credit.


Dr. Bob Wildblood wrote:

>I got the message below yesterday from a student who, in spite of what 
she says did not attend approximately 1/3 of the classes.  What you see 
is a copy of her email without editing.  My syllabus states clearly 
that the grade is based on the four scheduled tests (and I offer an 
"optional" final exam so that a student who misses a test or who wants 
to try to improve their grade by replacing a low grade on one of the 
four tests).  Her grades were 49, 60, 65, and 70 and she did not take 
the "optional" final exam.  The syllabus also says there are no extra 
credit opportunities.  Any comments?  WWYD? 
>"Dr. Wildblood
>I know this is very late but after reviewing my grades for this 
semester I realized that my grade for your class, Psychology was my 
only grade that was below a B. I am applying to Radiology school at 
Mary Washington Hospital in Janurary and they willl not accept an 
application with a gade that i received in your class. I know that the 
grade reflects work that i did in your class,but i shpwed up tp class 
everyday and took notes and payed attention.  This is my second time 
taking psychology because my credit from last year at UVA WISE did not 
transfer and i happened to have a B in that class. (go figure). 
Although the only thing that helped me receive that B was extra work 
and assigments that were given in class by the professor. I am not a 
good test taker as you can see. I study for the tests and think i know 
the information.  But when i am given the test i do horrible.  Is there 
anything i can do, an extra paper or something that i can turn in or 
email you that will raise my g!
>rade to a B.  i need it for Radiology school.  If i need to make an 
appoitment and come in i am willing to do that.
>thank you"
>Robert W. Wildblood, PhD
>Riverside Counseling Center and
>Adjunct Psychology Faculty @
>Germanna Community College
>The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head 
than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall 
with equal velocity in a vacuum. 
>- Charles Caleb Colton, author and clergyman (1780-1832) 
>Be like the fountain that overflows, 
>not like the cistern that merely contains.
>-Paulo Coelho, Brazilian Author and Lyricist
>We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our 
students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the 
grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the 
best education possible.            
>- Barack Obama, President of the United States of America
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