But for many of us - that's the problem.  Adjunct faculty are not 
exptected, supported or encouraged  to do research and/or service.  Those 
adjuncts who have to make a living (driving back and forth to different 
campuses, prepping numerous classes) cannot do research.

Tenure track posistions are being phased out at many institutions, being 
replaced with increasing numbers of adjunct positions.  This is seen by 
some as a problem not only for  those adjuncts who are seeking tenure track 
positions but also as a problem for future students who are increasingly 
being taught by faculties made up largely of adjuncts.   How then are we to 
meet individually with students, introduce them to research, etc.

At 09:46 AM 10/31/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>I am not sure how to react... here, "adjunct" faculty only teach... no 
>research, no service.  I certainly do not think that people who only teach 
>classes should receive the same pay as someone in a tenure-track position 
>(which includes far more responsibilities).  And, just for the record, a 
>starting Asst. Prof. may make only a little better than "peanuts"... maybe 
>At 06:10 AM 10/31/01 -0800, you wrote:
>>Dear Colleagues,
>>A recent article appeared in the main section of the
>>Orange County Register titled "Part-time college
>>teachers use peanuts to protest pay."
>>The article reads in part..."In Columbus, part-time
>>professors drew attention to their pay by handing out
>>bags of peanuts to state lawmakers. What do elephants
>>and part-time faculty have in common - both work for
>>Since I am a part-time faculty myself this article hit
>>me right at home! I thought I would share this with
>>all of you and perhaps get some discussion about this
>>Payam Heidary, M.A.
>>P.S. By the way does anyone want a bag of peanuts!
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>Stephen W. Tuholski Ph.D.
>Asst. Professor
>Dept. of Psychology
>Southern Illinois U. at Edwardsville
>Edwardsville IL 62026
>Phone: 618 650 5391
>Fax: 618 650 5087
>"Most people would sooner die than think; in fact, they do so."
>                         - Bertrand 
> Russell
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