> Subject: Re: Program to improve multicultural relations
> From: sylvestm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 09:12:26 -0700 (PDT)
> X-Message-Number: 8
> >On Mon, 22 Apr 2002 14:08:20  0200 "DA Louw" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote.
> >Colleagues
> >
> >We are conducting a research project to determine and improve multicultural
> attitudes
> >and relationships at my University.  Has any of you been involved in such a
> study
> >and/or can you recommend any literature and measuring instruments in this
> regard?
> What are multicultural attitudes now?
> Have you thoght of having students work in interdependent groups?
> Michael Sylvester

I've noticed over the years the backlash against multiculturalism.  So many of my
students asks, "Why all the hyphenation?  Can we all just be Americans?"  When I
counter with , "Can't we all just be human," they protest.  I then start calling
each of them by their last name.  When one of them notices and asks why, I ask ,
"Well aren't you a ___(insert last name here)_____?  Why do you need a first
name?"  The answer is usually along the lines of, "to distinguish me from my
siblings."  I just pause for a while... then smile.

Another thing I do is ask them to TPS (think pair share) and describe Thanksgiving
Dinner at their house.  You'd be surprised at the various ingredients that go into
stuffing.  There are also a wide variety of desserts and special dishes that a
certain relative makes.  This helps them to value and see how different each of us
is within our own sub cultures (families) yet how much we have in common.

Herb Coleman
IT Manager, Rio Grande Campus
Adjunct Psychology Professor
Austin Community College
* "I wish none of this had happened."    *
*                                        *
* "So do all who live to see such times. *
* But that is not for them to decide.    *
* All we have to decide is what to do    *
* with the time that is given to us.     *
* There are other forces at work in this *
* world,..., besides the will of evil."  *
A conversation between Frodo and Gandalf
from the motion picture
             "The Fellowship of the Ring"

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